carbon neutral

Resonate Consultants proud to be carbon neutral

We all live and work in a fast-changing world. It is vital that we take care of it. Climate change and environmental damage affect everyone. And everything on the planet.

Here at Resonate Consultants, we take our responsibilities very seriously. We must do all we can to ensure that the environmental impact of our work is limited while still delivering exceptional results for the people that benefit from it. That’s why we’ve committed to being a carbon neutral business.

You have probably heard the term used before but might not be sure exactly what it means. How can any business be carbon neutral?

Carbon neutrality means balancing emitted carbon and investment in carbon removal. Under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) program administered by US not-for-profit Verra, projects are issued unique carbon credits (Verified Carbon Units, or VCUs) representing the reduction or removal of one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent by a sustainability project. These VCUs are bought and retired as a means of offsetting emissions.

Achieving carbon neutral status means ensuring that all of our emissions (from electricity usage across our offices to the travel we undertake as individuals) are measurable, verified, uniquely numbered and transparently listed on the Verra database.

In 2019, Resonate Consultants was able to retire at least 50 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent via projects worldwide. Our goal in 2020 was to replicate this volume. But then the unexpected happened.

As the pandemic hit, our teams began working from home. By working remotely, we spent less time in the office and less time travelling to sites and consultations. It quickly became apparent that we were having a much lower carbon impact than previously estimated, and so decided to double our VCU retirement goal.

By September 2021, we had retired 100 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. In real terms, this would be the equivalent of the greenhouse gas emission from an average passenger car driving over 404,000 kilometres.

The carbon emissions were offset by large solar projects across three Indian states, not only helping to safeguard our environment but also unlocking local employment opportunities, electricity supply and rural development in these regions.

Being able to contribute to such a meaningful project has been incredibly important to us. We know that every action we take has an impact, both positive and negative.

As a responsible acoustic consultancy, we’d never want to deliver these projects at the cost of our environment or our communities. It’s our duty to behave in a caring, ethical, lawful and sustainable manner. The climate credentials of our state-of-the-art infrastructure projects only serve to improve their public reception and ongoing success.

Offsetting carbon emissions is a way for businesses to take responsibility for their carbon footprint and show that they care about the environment. Though carbon neutrality may seem like an effort, it’s an integral part of corporate responsibility and contributing to a sustainable world.

So, if you’re looking to improve or introduce infrastructure with the health of the environment in mind or strategies for reducing the environmental impacts of construction, be sure to reach out to Resonate Consultants. We’ll be delighted to help you sustainably complete your project.

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